For this second reveal, we'll be sharing inspiration for our second Case File and our stash-busting Cold Case. Remember, all of our Case Files are open through the 4th of the next month, so you still have time to work on all 3 Cases. The more you play, the more chances you have of being selected to win a prize from one of our generous sponsors.

We're excited to announce that Rhonda Reno is joining the CSI design team!
Hi! I'm Rhonda and I've been married to the love of my life for 35 years. We have 5 boys and 5 grandchildren. We also have 6 dogs and a cat. The kids use to joke that every time a kid moved out I got another dog, lol. But now the pets outnumber the kids so I'm not sure their theory holds up.
I've been scrapbooking since 2003 when a friend showed me her scrapbooks. I was hooked immediately and I've never looked back. I love every aspect of scrapbooking but since I discovered mixed media I do tend to lean toward that type of scrapping. However, I don't have a particular style and I'm constantly trying different things. I can't ever imagine myself not scrapbooking. I'm excited to step out of my comfort zone and get to work solving these cases with everyone!
You can see more of Rhonda's work on her Instagram.
Rhonda was going to start next month, but she was so excited to jump in early--here's what she created for our first August Case File.

And we're excited that Mandy Grobosch is putting on the CSI Detective badge too!
I´m a German girl from Dresden in the middle 40ths, and I would say my biggest passion is my love for papercraft projects & colours! All these things have accompanied me all my daily life. In August 2014, I started my discovery & adventure of the whole world of scrapbooking, project life, mixed-media, art journaling etc. – so all creative things with papers, punching & stamping. I love to try different materials & techniques… I like it if the colours are bright and the items have a fresh look. For this, I would currently describe my style mostly as clean, layered & full of colours.
Fun fact: Scrapbooking for me is like a journey and surprising myself. Mostly I have no plan if starting a new project, and I don't know what I will end with.
You can see more of Mandy's work on her Instagram.
Here's Mandy's debut page as a Detective, for Case File No. 364:

This month, we have seven generous sponsors donating prizes! Click here to read more about our sponsors and the prizes they are donating. Winners will be selected randomly from all of our players, with a few exceptions where sponsors have asked us to choose from certain geographic regions.

This month, we have seven generous sponsors donating prizes! Click here to read more about our sponsors and the prizes they are donating. Winners will be selected randomly from all of our players, with a few exceptions where sponsors have asked us to choose from certain geographic regions.

Our challenges this month celebrate summer vacations. As always, you don't have to scrap these topics. Draw your own inspiration from The Scene on the Case File, or you can use the traditional clues, which can be found at the bottom of this blog post.
Image credit: Lily & Val
We have another gorgeous layout from one of our Guest Detectives from Bramble Fox for Case File No. 363:
Image credit: AhHaDesign
Image credit: Bonitistas
To submit your layouts, click on the Case Files in our sidebar, which will bring you to the individual albums in our Facebook group.

And now, are you ready for some serious inspiration? Here's what our design team and guest designers created with this month's second Case File.

The CUT to YOU design team teamed up with CSI as a Guest Detectives to show off their gorgeous cut files.

The Bramble Fox design team teamed up with CSI as Guest Detectives to show off their gorgeous acrylic embellishments, metal dies, and stencils.
The CSI design team masterfully cracked the Case. We'll share how we solved the Case on Facebook.
The CSI design team and our Guest Detectives and Double Agents expertly cracked our stash-busting Cold Case too.
Next, we have our Guest Detectives and Double Agents from the Bramble Fox design team:
And of course our CSI Detectives solved the Case too:

Choose as many or as few as you are inspired to use! You don't have to use all of the categories of clues. use what inspires you, or challenge yourself to use as many clues as you can. Or just use the image to inspire you as you wish!
Testimony Link: August Journal Prompts
Testimony Link: Creativity Prompt
We trust we've provided enough clues for you to solve the Cases! You have until September 4, 2021, to solve this case. We can't wait to see what you'll create! Upload your creations in our Facebook Group (album links in sidebar).