We'd like to thank everyone who participated in our May challenges, and a HUGE thank you to our generous May sponsors!
Randomly selected from our players who were placed Under Surveillance:
Winner of one of the gift certificates from A Cherry on Top - Laurie L
Winner of the Lindy's Gang gift certificate - Lauren Mullarkey
Winner of the Newton's Nook store credit - Cynthia B
Winner of the Scrapmatts prize pack - ZevaseNa
Winner of the Scrapbooker's Confetti Box prize pack - Denisescraptt
Winner of the subscription to Mixed-Up Magazine - Lynette Jacobs
Randomly selected from all of our players who solved our May Case Files:
Winner of one of the gift certificates from A Cherry on Top - Piia
Winner of the Maja Design "Summertime" collection - Judy W
Winner of the digital kit from a2z Scrapbooking - Gunilla
Winner of the gift card from The ScrapRoom - Giorgia Rossini Randomly Selected from our American or Canadian players:
Winner of the goodie box from Cocoa Daisy - Carol A
Randomly Selected from Our Australian players:
Winners of the Scrapbook Fantasies prize - Louise Turner
Aussie Apprentice winner:
Winner of the Scrap Matrix gift certificate - Unfortunately, we had no new Aussie players. Please spread the word this wonderful prize is being offered every month. Star Witnesses:
Winners of the Scrapbook Fantasies prizes - Gunilla R and Laurie L.
To claim your prize, please send a me a private message with your email, mailing address, and phone number via the CSI Facebook Page by July 10. Please also indicate which month and which prize you won.
A big thank you to everyone who participated in our May challenges. We have chosen our favorite layouts inspired by the May Case Files. (Sorry for the delay!)
Congratulations to all of our players who are highlighted! You can grab your badges here.
Here are our favorites from Case File No. 253. Here's a reminder of the Case File they used:
For each Case File, three of our favorite layouts are chosen to feature as our "Most Wanted." (We had a tie again this month, so we chose four.)
Tell your story. It's our tagline, and here at CSI, it's one of our missions to get our members to delve deeper into journaling--to document the meaningful bits and pieces that make up our lives. We would like to shine a special spotlight each week on a member who did an exceptional job telling their story. And we'd like to thank Scrapbook Fantasies for donating a wonderful prize to our Star Witness for each Case File.
We love that Gunilla documented how she began scrapbooking on this beautiful layout, and we especially love that she included her story as a part of her design, writing directly on her page.
Laurie proves that not all scrapbook pages need a photogaph. We love how she used a comic strip she had clipped out a while ago to tell the story of how she loves the smell of a new book. It's these interesting little details that make our scrapbooks a part of who we are!
We're thrilled to announce our newest Detectives, who will make their debut in a couple of weeks with our July1st Case File reveal. We're proud to continue our tradition of including talented scrapbook artists from around the world representing a wide range of styles to inspire scrappers of all types.
Please join us in welcoming our incoming Detectives:
We're so excited to have fifteen generous sponsors this month! Our sponsors are among the best in the crafting industry, offering unique and trendy products. CLICK HERE to read more about these generous sponsors and the prizes they're donating.
We're excited have talented design team members from Mixed-Up Mag, Newton's Nook, and Scrapmatts joining us this month as Guest Detectives!
So...are you ready for some serious inspiration?
Our inspiring Guest Detectives from 2Crafty solved the Case like this:
How Hetty solved the Case File: I tried to stay true to the case and incorporated a lot of the elements from the evidence and testimony. So I managed to use the yellow, turquoise, red and black on the white background, documented about summer and used the inspiration words. From the evidence I added some washi tape, transparent element, metal, string/twine, tags, numbers, wet medium and with that circles, triangles, dots, check/grid and stripes. This was such a great challenge and I had a lot of fun putting it together it also made me think outside the box and I ended up using a few items from my stash.
How Tammy solved the Case File: I love the colours and also created a Summer story for it.
I used the Summer Writing Prompt for my journaling which includes what Summer looks like to me. I also wrote a little about what Summer smells like too. From the list I used the following: solid white background, stripes, check/grid, circles, wet medium - paint, thread.
How Anna solved the Case File: I was much inspired by the camper as we spend our every summer vacation on the camping. I took the pictures taken during one of our trips and created a travel page. I tried to stick to the color palette and added my journaling in the window of the geotag.
How Gerry solved the Case File: The layout is definitely about relax and summer which were in the testimony part, with my cute Aurinko paddling in the water, she loves that. For the colours I used yellow and turquoise ink and FabScraps Coffee Confessions paper C103 006 and Memory Lane paper C105 005 and some red accents with ink and embossing powder. Solid white background, stripes, grid, dots, circles, scallops, ink as wet medium, the numbers are Aurinko’s age, transparent tags, fishing line as string and transparent element, Aurinko and the butterfly as animals, plants, metal and washi tape are all the evidence parts I used.
Check out Gerry's process video:
Our Guest Detectives from the Imagine Crafts design team imaginatively solved the Case:
Our Guest Detectives from the Scrapmatt's design team rocked the Case File:
Lizzy's blog
How Lizzy solved the Case File: I have used the colors, I have documented something about summer. I have used a solid white back ground, grid pattern, string, banner, flip flops,glasses, cactus, wet medium (water colors ) and washi tape.
How Tania solved the Case File: I used the colours as inspiration. Also used dots, circles, metal (flowers) and wet medium.
Here is how the CSI Detectives have expertly cracked the case. You can read more about how the Case File inspired them on their blogs (links on sidebar).
How Debbi solved the Case File: I used the color scheme and many of the traditional Evidence clues, including solid white background, stripes, grid, dots, triangles, circles, tags, twine, animals, bunting, cacti. I wanted to have the playful, graphic vibe of the Scene on my layout.
How Wendy solved the Case File: I decided to go with the white background and play with some new stamps. After much contemplating over what photos I decided to go with these as they are true to what we do in summer. It only happens once each season due to the long distances! I kept the colour scheme to the palette!
How Annie solved the Case File: I followed the traditional clues again for this Case File - all of the colours are there, with some pink and dark blue thrown in. From the Evidence list, I used scallops, bunting, dots, stripes, triangles, stars, washi tape. My journaling is written along the bottom, it's documenting a happy summer memory.
How Carina solved the Case File: The fun picture got me thinking about when our kids were younger and we used to own a caravan that we went on vacation with in the summers. The photos are from one fantastic summer we had on the Swedish west coast back in the early 00'ies filled with beach time and fun little outings.
How Ginger solved the Case File: I used all 5 colors, and chose 4 evidences plus I used something about summer! Here i am using photos of my grandson Colby playing baseball which he really loves!
How Lisa-Marie solved the Case File: Such a fabulously bright and sunny palette to work with! I wanted the overall appearance of my layout to look a little like the camper, so I used a circle as the bottom most layer under my photo; I used a solid white background to make it all pop! I selected paper that has polka dots and a check design to echo those prints on the image and I also added a little camp chair just to bring the whole summery aspect of this challenge together.
How Laura solved the Case File: The colors screamed Disney and the camper speaks of family trips, so I used photos from our family trip to Disney. I do have dots, stars, tags, twine, and washi.
How Natsuko solved the Case File: I was inspired by the curtain and drops of water. It was fun making the curtain, and I love how dimentional it turned out!
How Sandra solved the Case File: I was inspired to scrap a summer photo, these are my nephews, playing with water and buckets. I went old style, used the solid white background, wet medium, stripes and something transparent - the title.
How Patty solved the Case File: I was inspired by the colors and the writing format. I chose, "Write a dozen things about your topic." The photo was taken May 25th, on our 44th anniversary. I actually wrote 17 reasons why I'm sweet on my husband.
Choose as few or as many as you are inspired to use!
Presentation: Put your journaling behind a window.
Writing Format: Write a list of a dozen things about your topic.
Inspiration Words: adventure, relax, bright
228.210.84 – pineapple yellow
43.178.161 – turquoise
255.255.255 – bright white
228.67.47 – red red
1.1.1 – black
We trust we've left enough clues for you to solve the case!
The deadline for completing this Case File is Saturday, June 30, at 11:59 p.m. EST. Be sure to link your layout using the link tool in the sidebar, and mention the Evidence and Testimony clues you used. Also, please title your link with your name and country.
CASE FILE NO. 256 Please include your name and country.