It's already midmonth, CSI Investigators! We're excited to bring you beautiful inspiration for our second April Case File, which is dedicated to Easter with its beautiful spring colors.

CSI has been running our challenges for 11 years, since 2012, and our savings have dwindled over the years, so we no longer have the ability to provide a monthly gift certificate, but we do have enough to give away a prize every 4 months this year, so we'll be awarding a $20 (U.S. dollars) gift certificate to your favorite online craft store (must take Paypal) to one lucky player according to the following schedule--so the more you play, the more chances you'll have.
CSI has been running our challenges for 11 years, since 2012, and our savings have dwindled over the years, so we no longer have the ability to provide a monthly gift certificate, but we do have enough to give away a prize every 4 months this year, so we'll be awarding a $20 (U.S. dollars) gift certificate to your favorite online craft store (must take Paypal) to one lucky player according to the following schedule--so the more you play, the more chances you'll have.
January - April Case Files will be awarded on or after May 4
May - August Case Files will be awarded in on or after September 4
October - December Case Files will be awarded on or after next January 4
You will see the customary due date on the Case Files because I'll check those for guest designers, but feel free to go back and play with Case Files that have expired. As long as they're in the albums by the May, September, and January dates listed above, you'll be eligible for the prize.
We'll also be inviting some players whose work catches our eye to serve as Guest Detectives along the way.

And we're excited to be collaborating with Scrap the Boys this month! Scrap the Boys is a super-fun monthly challenge dedicated to scrapping the boys and men in our lives. Several CSI Detectives are also members of the Scrap the Boys design team, so they'll be serving as "Double Agents" this month, and you'll see their layouts appearing in two places on this reveal. Please make sure to share your layouts for our first April Case File in both the CSI Facebook group album and the Scrap the Boys Facebook group. Be sure to follow and tag both CSI and Scrap the Boys on Instagram too.

We had to create a fun Case File for April Fools Day, and of course we have a challenge celebrating Easter. As always, you don't have to scrap these topics. Draw your own inspiration from The Scene on the Case File, or you can use the traditional clues, which can be found at the bottom of this blog post.
Image credit: Freepik
Image credit: Advocate Art
The traditional CSI clues can be found on our Facebook page in the first entry under the album. Just click on the Case File images above. They are also posted at the bottom of this reveal.
To submit your layouts, click on the Case Files in our sidebar, which will bring you to the individual albums in our Facebook group.

And now, are you ready for some serious inspiration? A reminder of our second Case File...

First, we have a beautiful layout from our Guest Detective, Lisa-Jane Johnson.
Here's a bit about Lisa-Jane, in her own words: I've been scrapbooking for about 12 years now, mostly about my family, including my wonderfully supportive husband & my two babies teens (yikes where does the time go??) Unfortunately 'life events' in the last few years, including being diagnosed with ADHD & ASD, have rather got in the way of much creating but I’m clawing myself back. As I gradually find my feet again (as well as lots of un-opened collections & half-finished layouts...) I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences of crafting with neurodiversity on my poor neglected blog ( and Instagram (@PrettyMyPage).
How Lisa-Jane solved the Case: I'd been meaning to scrap this photo for about 5 years when I got half way through documenting a family Easter egg hunt. Egg hunts have recently been growing in trend in the UK and I missed the boat with my own family so I have to grab the opportunity when I can now so I can use all the lovely Easter supplies. I kept to the colours and totally embraced the baskets as inspiration, echoing the woven wicker in both the backing of the cutfile and also the stencilling in the background. Of course I used eggs (both acrylic and as part of the cut file) and also flowers & floral prints for the Spring feel. I have stripes in my photo & on the baker's twine, small dots backing the bow, different alphas in my title, & tags / banners for the journalling. I've also suspended buttons with little bows inspired by the dangles in the crime scene to finish this Spring time extravaganza!

Choose as many or as few as you are inspired to use! You don't have to use all of the categories of clues. Use what inspires you, or challenge yourself to use as many clues as you can. Or just use the image to inspire you as you wish!
Testimony Link: Bzoink and How to Write a Limerick
Testimony Link: April Prompts
We trust we've provided enough clues for you to solve the Cases! You have until May 4, 2023, to solve both cases. We can't wait to see what you'll create! Upload your creations in our Facebook Group (album links in sidebar).