Well, we're already halfway through September and back with some inspiration for our second Case File.
If you haven't yet had time to solve our first Case File, no worries--both challenges stay open through October 4.

We're excited to introduce another new Detective. Please give Heather Guy a warm CSI welcome!
Here's a bit about Heather in her own words: Hello everybody!!! I’m so honored to be joining this awesome team of Detectives at CSI! I live in Indiana with my husband of 21 years and 4 sons. Our oldest is grown and out of the house and our triplets are 16 and keep me on my toes constantly! I also share my home with our very spoiled fur babies - 3 dogs and 3 cats!
I started scrapbooking in 2004 at the suggestion of my mother-in-law and have never looked back! I mainly create 12x12 layouts but have started playing more with TN’s, 4x4 albums and memory keeping! I love getting messy with mixed media and adding stitching and sewing to my pages!
When not in my scrapbook room, I work full time as an HR Manager, can be found camping, or playing cornhole with my boys!
You can find me on Instagram at @tripsoccermom
Heather jumped right in and even solved our first Case File of the month even though she's making her debut on the team today. Here's what she created for Case File No. 394:
We've teamed up with Soul Scrappers this month. Make sure to also post your layouts in their Facebook group for a chance to win one of their prizes too.
Hi C.S.I members! We are very fortunate to be collaborating with CSI for our first Facebook anniversary. Please come and check out our challenge site. We run six challenges each month with prizes! We will be having some games as well with added prizes so don’t miss out on the fun!! Please add your page creation for Case File No. 394 and 395 to our C.S.I challenge albums for your chance to win prizes on our site too. Looking forward to having a fun month of challenges! Special thanks to Debbi Tehrani for supporting our challenge site!

CSI will be giving away a $20 (U.S. dollars) gift certificate to your favorite online craft store (must take Paypal) to one lucky player each month.
CSI will be giving away a $20 (U.S. dollars) gift certificate to your favorite online craft store (must take Paypal) to one lucky player each month.
We'll also be inviting some players whose work catches our eye to serve as Guest Detectives.

With kids going back to school, we thought we'd celebrate that with our first Case File. And did you know that National Ampersand Day is in September? We've got a Case File for that too! As always, you don't have to scrap these topics. Draw your own inspiration from The Scene on the Case File, or you can use the traditional clues, which can be found at the bottom of this blog post.
Image credit: Art.com
Image credit: At Home
The traditional CSI clues can be found on our Facebook page in the first entry under the album. Just click on the Case File images above. They are also posted at the bottom of this reveal.
To submit your layouts, click on the Case Files in our sidebar, which will bring you to the individual albums in our Facebook group.

And now, are you ready for some serious inspiration? Here's what our design team and Guest Detectives created with our second September Case File.

The CSI design team masterfully cracked the Case. We'll share how we solved the Case on Facebook and Instagram.

Choose as many or as few as you are inspired to use! You don't have to use all of the categories of clues. use what inspires you, or challenge yourself to use as many clues as you can. Or just use the image to inspire you as you wish!
Testimony Links: September Prompts
Testimony Link: List Love
We trust we've provided enough clues for you to solve the Cases! You have until October 4, 2022, to solve both cases. We can't wait to see what you'll create! Upload your creations in our Facebook Group (album links in sidebar).